Restaurant Menus

Remember how I talked about being a hermit? And how everyone isn’t a hermit? Well this one is for all of my non-hermit allies there are out there. I support your way of life.

menuFirst off, let me say that, when possible, going to a restaurant is the easiest way to eat healthy when socializing with friends (except when you cook… but whose got time for that?). What? Wait? No! I heard that eating out is really unhealthy and restaurants add insane amounts of sauces and fats to their food to make them taste better? True, but restaurants can be easier as far as not having to inconvenience friends and can be relatively healthy if you follow some simple guidelines.

1) Read the whole menu, carefully. The more options you have, the more informed and better your choice. And I stress “carefully” because you never want to think you are ordering a healthy dish and miss the word “cream sauce,” for example.

2) Always ask what the sides are. Restaurants are usually really nice about changing the sides offered with a dish. I generally look at the sides offered with other dishes and pick a substitute ahead of time to make it easier for the waiter/waitress.

3) If you have questions, ask. Always ask. Is it fried or grilled? Is it a vegetable mix with fresh spring vegetables or a potato mix?

4) If possible, read the menu beforehand. It just makes life less stressful.

5) If you have the option, try to pick a restaurant you know is healthy. Even if you order a “healthy” sounding dish in a not so healthy restaurant you will probably be a little unpleasantly surprised (like your steamed vegetables are soaked in butter).

Happy eating, you social butterflies,


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